The A330606-MMC board is designed to allow a chassis designer complete flexibility in the use of the LSISAS2x36 expander. By purchasing the Astek product, engineers can rely on Astek's team of storage experts to deliver firmware and configuration assistance and support. The MMC design allows platform builders to use the SAS expander ports in any combination (9 x4 wide ports, 4 wide ports and 20 target disks, etc.) and access a variety of enclsoure management services from SGPIO interfaces to RS232, and available 1Gbps MII Ethernet.
The MMC is best used by experienced PWB design teams with knowledge of high-speed serial design (the Gen2 SAS fundamental frequency is 3GHz, and requires proper stripline and micro-stripline design practices). If yor project cycle is tight, your team is unsure about the high-speed signal integrity, or you generally need assistance, Astek can design a custom I/O breakout card for the MMC which will fit any form-factor and combination of I/O connectors, and enclosure services features.
Specifications for the MMC design are currently only distributed to customers with an active NDA in place. See your sales representative for more information.